Does PMS Stop You in Your Tracks? Do Yourself a Favor and Read This!
For many women the monthly cycle is a dreaded affair.
Even here in Breckenridge and Frisco Colorado where women are healthy and active, it is still a problem. As if the cramping pain, backaches and headaches aren’t enough, many contend with an “emotional rollercoaster.” There are enough challenges in life without feeling as if a “negative entity” has entered and taken over your behavior without your consent!
Ah, PMS! Sources say between 70-90% of women experience some form of PMS sometime during their reproductive years. If you look at the calendar to plan around your cycle or wish you could, PMS is interfering in your life!
Many of us make jokes about women and PMS but for some it is no joke!
Missing work or fun events because of pain, sickness or emotional volatility is not something any woman should have to put up with. The myriad of way PMS can show up is amazing; clumsiness, higher likelihood of catching a cold, digestive agita, fatigue, becoming forgetful and the list goes on.
In my intake when I ask women about if they have PMS many say something like, “PMS, of course! As a culture we have come to accept this as part of life that’s normal. Of course many will go the western route for treatment.
That often entails some kind of hormone therapy like birth control pills. If there is a diagnosed problem like endometriosis or fibroids sometimes more invasive techniques are suggested like surgical removal of cysts, fibroids or outright hysterectomy. These options are OK for some women but what about the women who are looking for alternatives?
The great news is there are other options!
Even better, the options are natural, effective and have a very low incidence of side effects. So what am I talking about? A 2,500+ year old medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal therapy’s forte is treating PMS. From my clinical experience it almost seems as if acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine was created just to treat PMS because it is so effective.
I can’t tell you the number of times I hear, “I used to have bad cramps and moodiness but since coming here it is practically gone!” Oh yeah, acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine is also great for regulating irregular cycles and helping some kinds of heavy bleeding.
I get so excited when I get to treat a woman who suffers every moon cycle. It’s because I know chances are her life is about to begin improving. I mentioned endometriosis and fibroids. Although those are a bit more of a challenge there is often improvement here too.
How does Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine work?
Rather than make this article long go check out my free Ebook called “How to Thrive in the Modern World,” a layperson’s guide to Chinese Medicine. This is a great resource. Many have said it is very user friendly and easy to read. Go to and scroll down on the homepage.
Please do yourself a favor and consider putting an end to your suffering! PMS is an imbalance that can be corrected. Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can help you to feel WAY better – all month long!